Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Why Oh Why Am I Selling Some of My Quilts?

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Some of you may know that I have been offering some of my quilts for sale in the Gallery Section of my web page. That has prompted lots of questions about why I am selling my quilts. Some of been concerned about my health and couldn’t imagine why I would sell my quilts now. I thought I would address those questions and concerns and explain.

As a designer and author I have made lots of quilts for books, magazine features, fabric lines and just for myself. Since I have been doing this for 30 years, I have a huge number of quilts. More quilts than I can store. Recently I decided rather than store all these quilts, why not put some of them in the hands of quilters who will enjoy using and displaying them. You see, for me, it is about control….I want to control who has my quilts. I want them to go to quilters who I know will enjoy them.

Burst of Spring

I have priced them quite reasonably because I do want to sell them. I’ve sold quite a few and will continue to upload quilts for sale until I have distributed the quilts I would like to sell. The rest I will hold on to and enjoy.

All the best,


What Happens in Vegas……Is Just Plain Fun!

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

At the beginning of the month, I had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas to lecture and teach workshops for the Desert Quilters of Nevada. It was a fun-filled three days and I would encourage anyone in the area to take advantage of this wonderful quilt guild. I am sure they will greet you with open arms and their members will inspire and encourage you. I was really impressed to see all that they accomplish.

After teaching for the guild, I began a couple of days of teaching at Quiltique…a wonderful shop in the area. Jan, above is showing off a bra that was made for the Breast Cancer project featuring my free block design. Who would of thought?

The event was held in the shop and you can see they went all out for it.

If you are anywhere near Henderson, NV, don’t miss stopping by this gorgeous shop. The people who run it are pretty gorgeous as well, both inside and out.

The first day I taught the Bright Stars class from the Simply Sensational 9-Patch Stars book. Sandy is really pleased with her progress….where is that corner block Sandy?

The second day I taught the Sunrise quilt from the Mariner`s Compass Stars book.  OK, so where is that missing piece? Seems to be a theme here in the Las Vegas area….but I am not telling.

And as if spending several days with wonderful quilters, teaching in a gorgeous shop and classroom was not enough…I had the chance to see Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian. I can’t say enough about how fabulous it was!

I came home with lots of great memories and unfortunately because it happened in Las Vegas….mums the word.

All the best,


Tough Job, But Someone Has to Do It!

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Sewing Studio

I just returned from Bloomington/Normal, IL where I lectured and taught for a wonderful quilt guild, the Hands All Around Quilt Guild. Because of the flight options, I chose to fly in the day before presenting my evening lecture. That meant I had a free day to shop. I know, it is a tough job, but I muddled through with the help of my two new best friends, Barb and Virginia. First stop was the Sewing Studio where we shopped for 30’s fabric, Virginia’s favorite and I was looking for some batiks to work into a cruise project. Everyone was delightful and Virginia hit paydirt with some “sale” fabric.

Peddler's Way

Then we headed to Washington, IL where we had a delightful lunch …we needed it to have strength to shop at the lovely Peddler’s Way. We wandered through the various rooms and even climbed the stairs to an entire new level of fabrics. I found some perfect batiks.

Virginia and her new BOM

Virginia found a Block of the Month that made her heart sing!

I found a fun pumpkin patch

Next we were off to another quilt shop in Morton, IL called The Quilt Corner. However, we were traveling through the farm country and stopped at a fun pumpkin patch. Virginia bought a gourd and I contemplated this fun squash…should I buy it?, my…how would I get that on the airplane????

The Quilt Corner

Surprisingly, the Quilt Corner is not on a corner. It is in a mall. I walked in the door and saw all the lovely quilts hanging around the shop and remembered that I had been here once before. Amazing how you can remember how a particular shop looked. A really fun shop full of lots of kits and super fabrics!

Happy Mariner's Compass student

But I was here to teach classes after all… on to classes. The first day I taught the Sunrise Quilt class and geeze…we are so busy, I forgot to take any pictures with my camera. I did take a few with my phone though.

On Saturday, I taught the Sunset at Sea class. Everyone came with their fabric precut and ready to jump in and sew.

Trish was really serious…she was making hers larger…wait until you see what she accomplished…

The students were sooooo much fun….we did have lots of chuckles…

Pat seems surprised that she made this….great colors but pretty much along the sample colors…

Brenda used a completely different color combo…

Blocks moved along pretty quickly…

Loved this color combo….This one is going to sing tropical….think she was inspired by that apple?

Here is another combo that will take on a neat look.Look what Trish accomplished! She was a house afire with her sewing machine.

So class is ending and I am offered the opportunity to visit yet another quilt shop. I am never too tired and to shop. So off to the Treadle in Bloomington, IL we go. We were warmly greeted by the owner, Vicky.

Looking for setting triangles.

We walked in the door and it was apparent that Vicky had some fabric. Barb headed off one aisle looking for the perfect batik to use as setting triangles for her Sunrise Block.

Marcia was just scooting down the aisle...

Marcia and Virginia had a different mission. Ooops, watch those fat quarters…

You want it, we have it.

Me, I just kept smiling…

Such a happy place!

I even saw one of my out of print books on the shelf.

I could get lost in here.

But I understand Vicky knows exactly where everything is. Amazing mind.

Aisle Two

Vicky and Carol

I scootched in to stand behind the counter with Vicky. If you are looking for a particular fabric or book, my bet is on Vicky that she not only has it, she knows where it is in the shop. If your hubby thinks you have too much fabric, bring him here, he will think you are a Saint!

Thanks Hands All Around Quilters for a really fun trip!

All the best,


Spring Flowers and Hearts Challenge – Win 10 yards of Spring Colored Fabric!

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Flowers and Hearts Block

Loving this time of the year and think it is time to have a quick little challenge. The prize: 10 Yards of spring-colored fabric!!!!

The rules:

Go to and download from the Free Patterns section the new Flowers and Hearts block.

Make one block in spring colors.

Go to the Carol Doak Quilting Group on Yahoo…

If you are a member already, post a picture of your block in the Spring and Flowers and Hearts Challenge Album. You can post as many times as you like.

If you are not a member, join the the Group by clicking the “Join” button and follow the steps to join and post the picture of your block.

I will pull one winner on May 15 to win the 10 yards of fabric!!!

Option: If you would like to send me your block(s), I will collect all the blocks and pull one winner on May 15 after I pull the winner of the fabric to win all the blocks sent to me. Please include your name and full mailing address with your block. Can’t you just imagine what a darling quilt these blocks will make?  Good Luck everyone!!!

My snail mail address is

Carol Doak

PO Box 42

Windham, NH 03087

Finally….A Castle!

Monday, March 15th, 2010

The Castle

I just returned from a wonderful week-long teaching trip to Temecula and Fallbrook, California. First of all it was nice to get away from the New England weather for a bit and I had some fun surprises along the way. One surprise was the fun of staying at The Castle, in Temecula. Now, some of you may know that I have been dubbed the “Queen of Paper Piecing” so finally staying in a castle type building was so much fun. First, Suzanne, the inn keeper is a quilter! She and Victor make everyone very comfortable.

The grand staircase

I was lead up the grand staircase to my room. There are lots and lots of rooms. You see, Suzanne also puts on Quilters weekends and retreats.

Straw ceiling

I was there several days before I looked up and saw the straw ceiling.

The lock for my room....I was safe!

Although it took a bit of instruction how to unlock my room…it was fun.

Everything was huge!

I taught two days of classes for the Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild in the sewing room that adjoined the castle and then we would all come out for lunch around noon time.

If you are ever in the area, it is a fun place to stay. You can contact Suzanne with an inquiries at

My Fallbrook view...

However, I guess I am getting a bit ahead of myself. Before I went to Temecula, I was in Fallbrook for the Fallbrook Quilt Guild. I am always constantly amazed at the home that hang off the edge of the hills. On this trip, I was at the top of the hill and so on the edge. I survived though and actually began to enjoy living on the edge.

Visions outing

I did have a down day where I had the opportunity to connect with some friends and visit Visions….love those “me” days!

Show and Tell at the Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild in Temecula

Oh yeah…I was there to lecture and teach. Here are some happy students showing of their Sunrise projects!

This one is even quilted...what no binding?

Until next time…..


It Is Amazing What Being At Home Will Do!

Monday, October 19th, 2009
Sunset at Sea

Sunset at Sea

I slotted in on my calendar some time at home this month to catch up on some things. Now, keep in mind, this slotting began about 3 years ago so at the time, I had no idea what I would be catching up on, but knew I needed some time at home to catch up.

Well catch up I have…I have had some ideas for some new workshops so I was able to design the Sunset At Sea Workshop and prepare the supply list and handout for this class designed around the foundations in Simply Sensational 9-Patch Stars.

Not Your Grandmother's Feathered Star

Not Your Grandmother's Feathered Star

Now I do love that book and have wanted to develop a workshop based upon the feathered star type points, but take a new look at the color and design options. The result is the “Not Your Grandmother’s Feathered Star” Workshop.

Scrap Quilts With Attitude

Scrap Quilts With Attitude

Another book that has lots of creative options is the 300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks Book. I have wanted to play around with the options using a really simple foundation pieced block and scraps for fabric choices. The result is the Scrap Quilts with Attitude workshop. This simple block can be placed in many different ways to produce completely different quilt designs.

Three in a Row - Bingo!

Three in a Row - Bingo!

With the holidays just around the corner, sometimes you just want to make a quickie and the various block designs in this book gives you the opportunity to make little quilts feature three blocks in a row horizontally or vertically. Another workshop was birthed!

Sunrise made on The Quilt Show

Sunrise made on The Quilt Show

Another thing that has been on my “to do” list is to finish the quilt that I started as the demo when I did the taping in March for The Quilt Show. My show will air in February and now I have this item checked off!

Stripe from Floral Affair fabric by Northcott fabrics.

Stripe from Floral Affair fabric by Northcott fabrics.

Now, with Quilt Market just behind us, my new fabric line, Floral Affair, by Northcott Fabrics was presented. The fabric will not ship until January, but you can get a sneak peak at this fabric collection at this link:

Royal Windsor Fabric Collection

Royal Windsor Fabric Collection

Knowing, more fabric is coming my way, I decided to upload for sale in my web store, some fabrics from my previous collections. The first collection I am selling is the Royal Windsor Collection. I will sell this fabric and once it is gone, I will put up another collection.

Asian Vest

Asian Vest

Not having any new workshops to develop, having finished my only UFO, I thought I would whip up a new vest to wear when I begin traveling later this week. I found the fabric on the right side of the vest and just fell in love with it. It was perfect for a conservative style vest yet offered the opportunity to include a variety of colors on the patchwork side. I played off the horizontal and vertical lines on the right side to create the patchwork on the left side.

Tweed Vest

Tweed Vest

Now, I have had this “tweed” fabric on the right side since March. I purchased it in Texas while I was there teaching. It is a really soft cotton fabric that looks like tweed fabric. It is Robert Kaufman’s Quilter’s Tweed. When I purchased it, I knew I wanted to make a vest for the winter. Well, it snow big white snowflakes here yesterday, so I got the fabric out and made my new vest.

When I look back at all that I have accomplished in the past three weeks, even I am amazed. I won’t even go into the replacement of my computer and dealing with the transition and compatibility issues and the fact that my laptop crashed. That meant reinstalling all the programs and operating system upgrades and then putting back all the documents…oh my…computers can be a trial. But, I am almost at the end of my time at home and I am so looking forward to next weekend when I will travel to lecture and teach…I need a rest.

All the best,


The Secret is Out…I’m Dancing with the Stars

Monday, August 31st, 2009

DancingWithTheStarsBefore you think I have lost my mind and will be tripping across the dance floor, let me assure you that I will not! However I am excited to spread the news that the brand new Dancing with the Stars Block of the Month that features 15 new paper-pieced star blocks that I designed is now available at the Stitchin`Heaven Quilt site.

Deb Luttrell, owner of the shop, described this new block of the month this way…

Dancing with the Stars spotlights 15 paper-pieced, 12″ star blocks designed by Carol Doak exclusively for Stitchin’ Heaven! You’ll be amazed as you step onto the dance floor, and take a spin with this striking, stellar-inspired quilt. Each block is named for a gorgeous ballroom dance like, the Viennese Waltz, the Foxtrot, and even the Cha Cha, and proudly shows off the brilliance of Hoffman’s batik fabrics. The setting, designed by Deb Luttrell, features a chain block, and two borders, framing this stunning quilt with simple elegance. Like stars on a dance floor, these beautiful, batik blocks will have you mesmerized, as they sparkle and shine with each step of the dance.

During this 14-month program, you will receive the patterns and fabrics needed to make the quilt top including borders and binding. The finished quilt measures 80″ x 92″.

If you would like to jump in and enjoy the dance, just stop by and sign up:

All the best,


Patience is a Virtue

Sunday, May 24th, 2009


I love receiving pictures of completed projects from people who enjoy using my books. However, when Pat Frazier of Florida sent me pictures of her completed projects, I was blown away with her patience. Pat used all of the block designs in 300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks and some of the blocks in 50 Fabulous Paper-Pieced Stars to make the above quilt. No doubt this took some time to complete, but did it require patience? You only need patience if you are not enjoying the process. Obviously, Pat was enjoying the process.

50fabThis stunner of a quilt is also Pat’s. I love the black setting for the 50 Fabulous Paper-Pieced Star . It really makes the colors pop.

Just recently, I have been thinking about patience. I just saw the designs for my new fabric line due out in the fall. Oh, how I love the designs and the colors. I’ve been designing quilts in anticipation of the fabric arriving and find myself so impatient to receive the actual fabric. I keep reminding myself, patience is a virtue.

I also just designed a new Anniversary Mystery Quilt for the Carol Doak Yahoo Group. I’ve uploaded the fabric requirements and the cutting list for all the blocks. However, I am going to wait a bit before uploading the first block to for members to make. OK, I can’t wait to see all the quilts that will be made using this design….patience is a virtue.

And, I joined Facebook. I had heard of this site, but I had no clue how it all worked. I just wish I knew the workings now, rather than stumbling through to learn the ropes. I realized that starting a “Fan Page” was the way to go. Ok, …patience is a virtue. If you are on Face Book, do stop by and keep reminding me…lol..

And finally, I have a cold. My sinuses are clogged and the spring pollen just adds to the discomfort. I know it will be gone in a week or two…patience is a virtue.

Until next time,

May all your quilts have perfect points,


The Great State of Texas

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009


stitching1I just returned from a 10-day teaching trip to the great state of Texas. It is a huge state and has so many wonderful quilters. My first stop was in Huntsville, where I taught at Stitching in the Pines.

stitching2It was a super class and everyone one made great progress. We also had a few giggles and laughs along the way.

stitchingpinesHere is our graduation photo! Look at all those awesome smiles and blocks.

receptionThen we were off to the Wynne Home Arts Center for a reception. Lots of wonderful quilts were on display.

organize-quiltsThe next day was to be the Airing of the Quilts in Huntsville. We stopped by the place where all the quilts were numbered and stacked, ready to be hung all around town the next morning. An event like this doesn’t just happen. It takes a good deal of work and organization and the Tall Pines Quilt Guild does it like a pro!

stageA group of my quilts were on display at the Old Town Theatre. It was kind of neat for me to see so many of them on display in this charming setting.

auctionThe guild also hosted a wonderful miniature quilt auction in the theatre as a fund raiser.

courthouseBut the real charm of the day was the amazing collection of quilts hung from the buildings all around town. What a feeling of celebration it was!

bettyandlindaBetty Register and her sister Linda Hord kept me on tract. Not only were they just fun to be with, they were just amazing to watch as they took care of anything and everything!

featuredI was the Featured Teacher at the Airing. It was such a pleasure to meet and chat with quilters from just about everywhere you could image. The street was closed and our table was right in the middle of the street. Guess you could say…we stopped traffic.


My next class was for the Tall Pines Quilt Guild. We did the Simply Sensational 9-Patch Star class and then that evening I presented a lecture to the guild. I was sorry to say goodbye to everyone in Huntsville, but it was time for me to head to The Woodlands.

nasa1However, before I began teaching in The Woodlands I had an extra day. I was offered the opportunity to see NASA and I jumped at it. Wow! I had no idea it was so big. The tour of NASA was such a wonderful experience. Think we could convince them to add a few paper-pieced blocks to the NASA suit?

nasa2I was just in awe of the rockets, the test area and the size of the jet engines. We also saw the original control room at NASA. I just kept thinking I wouldn’t put myself on top of all those huge containers of fuel with all those wires underneath. What if there was a loose wire?

quilt-roomOK, time for another quilt shop fix. I stopped by The Quilt Room in Huffman, Texas. Claudia and Julie were just a delight to meet. I even purchased some fabric to make another new vest. Yeah!!!

sunriseI finished up my week by teaching the Sunrise Workshop in both The Woodlands and at the Kingwood Quilt Guild and presented lectures at both.

It was a super time and I came home with such fond memories.

Heading off to Rochester, New York tomorrow….

All the best,


Big Decisions and So Little Time…

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


When I traveled to New Zealand in January, one of the things that I noticed quickly was the different flush options available when using the toilet. This knob went either way, so it wasn’t apparent at first exactly what I was selecting. I thought the little circles were decorations.


When I arrived at this flush options, the light went on and I realized I had the opportunity to select a half flush or a full flush. Ooooh, options…But, what constitutes a half flush and what warrants a full flush?


OK, so I am thinking someone stole the knobs off this toilet…perhaps they are collector items???


This one clearly marked my options, but the full was on the left and the half was on the right. I think there should be some consistency as to where they are located.


Now see what I mean…no markings on these buttons…which  is half and which is full?


This was a smart flush, but they weren’t smart enough to mark the buttons!


This was the first toilet flush that really confused me. Did they have the options and if so how did it work?flush8

I am now back on track, clearly marked and quite stylish.flush9

These buttons were huge!!! Were they handicap flush buttons?flush10

I liked this one, it is rather stylish. By now I had the full flush and half flush down to a science…but the buttons still fascinated me.

When I arrived back in the USA, I felt cheated…I no longer had the option to select half flush or full flush as the flush was automatic which caused me not to linger once my task was complete.


I have to admit, when I am  visiting a new place, I tend to note the signs everyone. This one caught my eye and just made me laugh out loud! Look at the faces on those guys. I wonder if they are know as the “Big Nuts” guys.

fun2The New Zealand humor was everywhere. This was a sign on the door of a restaurant in Queenstown. I bet it got  everyone’s attention.

Until next time,

All the best,
